Wednesday, July 29, 2015

For The Ladies..

Ladies, did you know that more and more women are purchasing firearms, taking classes and enjoying the shooting sports? That's right- there are more women today involved in the firearms industry than at any point in history.

So why aren't there more of us involved in sharing our experiences? 

We are going to change that. This series of blog posts will deal specifically with issues faced by women. From making the decision to learn about firearms, taking a class or three, carry options, firearms and children,vehicular safety and more- we will be addressing YOUR needs and concerns. 

We'll begin right now, with a look into one of the most critical factors necessary.  It honestly makes no difference if you are a man or a woman- if you do not have the proper attitude, having a firearm is going to be worthless in a defensive situation.

What on Earth do I mean by that?

It's simple. 

One: Be aware that COMPLACENCY KILLS. 
Simply having a firearm means nothing. The act of owning a firearm and not training with it will get you hurt.

Two: You must believe that YOU are capable of training. You must believe in YOU-your ability, skills, and knowledge. That you CAN save your life, and that you have value. 
Does this mean you'll need a firearm in every potential defensive situation? No. It means you have enough training under your belt to KNOW your skills will save your life. (It does not grant you permission to be cocky, skip training, or not pay attention and plan ahead. Not by a long shot.)

Find out for yourself what YOU need and what you are capable of doing. Don't let a well intentioned person convince you that you'll never be able to handle a semi-automatic. Or that you need a lower caliber because there is less recoil. Or that you only need to keep the firearm on your nightstand.

Take the time to research and handle various firearms. 

Shoot as many as you can.
Attend a beginner level class and LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS.

Ladies, find out for yourselves what you are capable of. 

You'll be surprised, I promise. 

In the meantime, shoot safe, shoot straight, and carry smart!
~Shannon at the Range
Come see us on Thursdays for LADIES DAY SPECIALS! Start your education right!