Wednesday, August 26, 2015

She's Packin' Heat! Part One

You've found your self defense gun, obtained your permit to legally carry, and have been consistently training and practicing. It's now time- time to pack that pistol with you on your daily rounds. 

Today, let's take a look at a few things we ladies must ask ourselves and answer when we make the decision to carry our gun. Everything from whether you wish to carry open (where allowed by law), or concealed, body type and shape, carry position and holster options are all things to consider. 

SAFETY NOTE!!! Please, when holstering or drawing, KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER! Make SURE there is NOTHING- your shirt, a fold from a softer holster, or your finger- anywhere NEAR the trigger or inside the trigger guard, Neglecting this step will result in a negligent discharge. This is NOT an accident- this is NEGLIGENCE ON YOUR PART. Be smart, be safe, and keep everything out of the trigger guard!

First- does your state allow you to decide between carrying your gun openly? (***In Georgia, the gun owner can choose whether to open carry (OC) or conceal carry (CC). Make sure you know your state law!

After you have answered that question- ask yourself (if your state allows) what do YOU prefer? This is not a decision anyone can make for you. This is a very personal decision based entirely on your comfort levels. 

Next, understand your body shape and type. If you are built with a short waist and wider hips like I am, you may face a bit more of a challenge than those ladies who have a longer waist and narrower hips. We ladies have curves, and curves make things interesting when it comes to carrying a gun. 

Think about your wardrobe for a moment. Are you a shorts and t-shirt girl? Skirts and dresses? Professional pant suits, or jeans and button downs? Our clothing tends to be cut a bit differently than the men in our lives, in order to showcase our body styles. How you tend to dress does make a difference in how you will carry. You may need different holsters for different styles of dress. Also, understand that you will need to make an addition to your wardrobe- that of a proper belt.

Carry Positions:

Appendix carry: The fastest position to draw your firearm from. Generally an in waist band (or concealed) option, your gun will sit in the front of your pants. Your shape, arm length and pant style will help determine exact placement for you. Make sure you can easily reach your gun, and draw smoothly and quickly.
Appendix position- image from Google

Hip: Typically where most people will open carry. The gun will rest on their hip, snugly against the body, left or right side depending on which hand is dominant.
OC Hip Carry- Thank you Andrew!

Belly Band Carry: Another good option that allows you to place the gun comfortably where you can reach it quickly. When choosing your belly band, keep an eye on construction and width. Narrower bands tend to roll and need more attention and adjustment. Wider bands tend to be more secure, with less movement.
Bodyband by Telor Tactical

Thigh Carry: This is a good option for your dress or skirt days, as there are some excellent holsters available for just this purpose. I suggest the Telor Tactical Thigh Holster, as it does not slip, it will support a wide variety of guns, is machine washable, and it also allows your skin to breath. You do not need to wear a garter style attachment to keep this holster in place and it fits all sizes of thighs.
Telor Tactical Thigh Holster

Small of the Back: The gun  will sit exactly where the name says- in the small of your back. Be advised- this is not the safest way to carry. Your access may be limited, and drawing can be quite dangerous (FINGER!! OFF!! THE!! TRIGGER!!)
Image Courtesy of Google

Bra Carry: There are holsters designed to attach to your bra. While being aware of muzzle direction is critical at all times, it is even more so with bra carry. If you have been blessed with above average sized chesticles, this probably will not be an option for you. 
Flashbang Holster- image from Google

Ankle Carry: There are many holsters available for safe ankle carry. Be aware, you will need pants/ jeans with a wider leg opening for ease of access. Find out if you can bend and twist easily in order to reach your ankle. 
T-Fit by Telor Tactical- image from Telor Tactical

Shoulder Holsters: Not something we see much of today, as there are more comfortable options available that allow for faster and safer drawing. 
Should Holster- image from Google

Pocket Carry: If your pants have deep enough pockets, pocket carry with a good quality holster and a smaller gun is a good option. It may take a bit extra practice to master your draw from a pocket in a safe manner. 
Pocket Holster- image from Google

Off Body Carry or Purse Carry: Be wary of the person who shrugs you off by simply suggesting your "drop your gun in your purse." Off body carry may be the ONLY option we have from time to time, but be very aware that it comes with it's own set of concerns and responsibilities. It is much easier to become separated from your gun with off body carry than it is if it's tucked snugly into a well designed, comfortably placed holster. There are many purses available that have a specific compartment for your gun. There are also many purse snatching crimes. Answer this question and be very honest with yourself- Can you stop a determined purse snatcher? If no, are you comfortable with arming the Bad Guy? 

If you DO need to carry in your purse, please consider the following:
- Ease of access. How quickly can you get to your gun? Can you draw it without snagging?
- Use a proper holster that covers the trigger guard.
- Where is your purse? Can anyone else access it? (Such as a child? Or the creeper in the grocery store as you turn your back to get a loaf of bread?) 
- Are you going somewhere that purses and bags are going to be checked? (Such as a movie theater?) 
Carry Purse- Image from Google

Materials that make up holster construction are almost as numerous as gun types. When you choose yours, examine them closely. Don't go with the least expensive option until you get hands on. A soft nylon holster may be a good option for storing your gun, but not the best to carry in (no retention, and folds can slip inside the trigger guard and depress the trigger. See above about negligent discharges.) Leather is beautiful but will wear and fold. Be sure to examine the holster often and replace as needed.

 Much like finding your perfect carry gun, there is no one answer. Finding the right holster for you, and choosing your carry option(s) is going to take investigation on your part, ladies. 
Leather with wear- note fold resting on trigger. Image from Google

***A quick word on concealed carry VS open carry. As stated above, there are states that allow the gun owner to choose which option they prefer. In the shooting community, this is a very hot button topic, that triggers a very passionate response from many. My advice? Make your own decision. 

Look for more on holsters in the next post, ladies. In the meantime, continue your practice at the range, and above all else- BE SAFE!
Patrick's Indoor Gun Range
2307 Highway 80
Garden City GA

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tips To Find Your Perfect Gun

The single biggest question I personally hear, every shift I work, is "What, in your opinion as a woman, is the best gun for a woman?"

And if I had a dollar for every confused look I get at my reply, I could retire.

Folks, there is no best gun for a woman. The best gun, for any shooter regardless what your plumbing may be, is the gun that fits your hand the best and most comfortably, that you can shoot the most accurately, in the highest caliber that you can shoot.

That's it. There is no magic formula, no guaranteed answer that XX brand revolver is the only way for a woman to go, or that XX brand semi-automatic is the only way to go. The gun that fits your hand, that you can shoot with the highest accuracy, in the highest caliber is the right gun for you. Man, woman, hermaphrodite- it will take time and research on your part to find that answer.

Before we get into the steps involved in finding out what that gun may be, I feel the need to offer insight from behind the range counter. As I've mentioned before- there are so many people out there with your best interests at heart. These well intentioned people truly wish to offer you help in learning to shoot and finding the perfect gun for you. However. (And this is fairly significant, so please read it a couple of times to let it sink in,) Please- Do Not Let Anyone Set Your Limitations.

What do I mean by that?
Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public come to the counter. Mr. Public feels that with the escalation in home invasions and crimes on the street, Mrs. Public needs a gun to protect herself. Often times, the first words out of Mr. Public's mouth are, "She just needs a revolver, because they're easy to operate and she can keep it in her purse."

Why is this statement a potential problem?
- Right away, Mr. Public has demoted Mrs. Public to the ranks of a special needs case, where her ability to learn and function has been called into question.
- Number two, keeping a gun anywhere but on your body makes it much easier to become separated from your gun.

Whether or not Mr. Public meant it, he has just done a grave injustice to the intelligence and ability of Mrs. Public by the metaphorical pat on the head about her potential ability with a gun. By telling Mrs. Public she only needs a revolver because a semi-automatic will be too hard for her to operate (racking the slide etc,) Mrs. Public is now going into the situation with a large amount of self-doubt.

Self-doubt + guns = frustration. This is the polar opposite of complacency- this lack of confidence is just as potentially deadly to you the gun owner as complacency is.

In the future, Mr. Public may wish to phrase things like this:
"Hi! My wife and I are seeking a gun for personal protection. She has not shot before, where would you recommend we begin to look?" A statement like this will significantly impact Mrs. Public's journey into the shooting world for the better.

To all the Mrs. and Ms. Public's out there- please, take a bit of time to find out for yourself what you like and don't like, what style of gun you can handle and what you prefer to handle.
Glock 43, single stack 9mm

What should you consider when looking for the right gun?

We've mentioned fit- the gun must be comfortable in your hand. In the case of a first gun purchase, this step is very important. CAUTION! Picking out a small gun is not always the best idea! In most instances, the smaller the gun the higher the amount of recoil, the more the shooter must be the shock absorber! Thankfully, with the advances available in technology to gun manufactures, there are a wide variety of smaller (NOT tiny) guns, that hold a decent number of rounds, that comfortably fit a wide variety of hand sizes, that will not have a high amount of recoil.

You need to be able to manipulate the gun as well. In the case of a revolver, can you open the cylinder easily, and operate the ejection rod to remove spent cases? In the case of a semi-automatic, can you operate the slide easily in order to clear malfunctions? It is well worth noting here that no, revolvers are NOT always problem free (also one of the reasons given for others seeking to help,) and no, not all slides on semi-automatics are extremely heavy. Check different sizes, styles and manufactures of the handguns to compare and find which is best for you. Our staff is always more than willing to help you learn the proper techniques involved for using either style of handgun.
Walther CCP- also 9mm

Are there other questions to ask?
You bet. There are so many different styles, makes and manufacturers today that some investigation is required. We have a joke in the horse industry, that if you ask 10 equine professionals one question, be prepared to get at least 20 different answers. The gun world is quite similar in that respect. By eliminating another living creature (the horse) from the equation, you can narrow your options considerably.

A few questions we suggest asking:

- Can I get additional ammunition?
   As of this writing, there are some calibers that are difficult to find. Currently, finding .22 Magnum, .25 or .32 (long or short) is a huge challenge. Make sure that you can get the caliber you prefer.

- Are there holsters available for my chosen method of carry?
   Some firearms are difficult to find the perfect holster for. There are options today that make this task easier, as you can have a holster custom made for you. This may sound like an expensive and difficult option, but today's holster market is quite competitive and prices for high quality products are fairly low.

- Can I obtain aftermarket parts?
   This is a big one. You need to make sure you can easily get magazines. The internal parts inside magazines are consumable (meaning they will wear out with use), and you will need to be able to replace them over time. You also might want to install different sights on your gun. Many owners love the option of night sights, which will emit a glow in low to no light settings, allowing you to still properly use sights. Or you may wish to install sights with higher daylight visibility. Ask your sales person if these options might be available for the guns you are potentially interested in. There may also be other options available, such as trigger jobs to ease your trigger pull. 

- Is there a warranty program?
   Most manufacturers offer great warranties. There is a saying in the firearms industry- much like jewelry, with guns you also get what you pay for. Ask about the details on the warranty, if customers have had to send many back, and is the company good to work with?

- What is the reputation of the manufacturer?
   Most gun makers have been around for  long periods of time and have the reputations to stand on. There are some though that you need to investigate before making your decision to purchase. Quite often, you can spend a bit of time online and gather a tremendous amount of information about company reputations. We live in the information age- take advantage of it!

- What is the reputation of the SELLER?
   Many people don't consider this aspect, thinking that one gun seller is like any other. However, this is not the case. Will the seller be willing to work with you after the sale, answering questions or helping you shoot better? Will they help you find accessories? Or are they going to sell you the gun and pretend they've never seen you before? Establishing a good relationship with the facility you purchase your gun from is important as well.

To sum up- ask questions, handle various guns, and find what fits your hand. Don't make a purchase because a gun is tiny, will fit perfectly in your purse, or it's inexpensive- do your homework and shoot a variety of guns beforehand! Remember to come see us on Thursday- Ladies Day- for special package pricing. 

Carry safe and shoot straight!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Range Time You Need- Train You Must

One of the saddest things I see in my job as an NRA Certified Instructor is the ladies who come to the range to purchase a firearm and think that just because they now own a gun, they will be safe. Ladies, I am very sorry to report that this is not how it works. 

Owning a gun is a step- one of many that need to be taken. Proper education in your gun's use is critical. I recently read a news story on a nurse in NC, who had broken up with an allegedly violent man. She obtained a restraining order, took a basic pistol class and obtained her permit to legally carry her firearm. In fact, she had two. But she didn't continue to train. Her ex violated the restraining order, and wound up killing her. She did get one shot off before her gun jammed, striking her assailant in the leg. She neglected to go to her back up gun, choosing instead to run and call for help. As she was running, the ex calmly loaded his gun, fired and struck her, killing her.

This story did not have to end this way.

You need to obtain training.  And you need to practice.

How do you find the right instructor?
There are an abundance of options available for firearms training today. Your best option is to seek out certified instructors. These people have devoted a considerable amount of time to learning HOW to teach, so you the consumer get the most for your money. You will want to meet with your instructor before class if at all possible. Get a feel for their personality and see if they are going to mesh with yours. Ask your friends where they trained, and what they thought. 

What course do you begin with?
We offer a HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS course twice a month at Patrick's. It teaches exactly what the name implies: the Fundamentals of shooting a Handgun. In it, you will learn safety, grip, stance, breathing, aim, focus, and trigger control. These are the basic fundamentals that once mastered, you can apply to any handgun and safely, accurately fire. 

This is NOT a defensive course. Do yourself a favor and walk before you run. 

What does training cost?
Cost is a concern for many students, with prices varying from instructor to instructor. Our Handgun Fundamentals course is $50.00, and we provide everything you need. One on one individual training is $75 an hour plus lane fees. This may seem quite costly to you- but please stop for a moment and understand something- as instructors, we have spent many hours of our time and a significant number of our own dollars obtaining the best education we can, so that we may keep YOU safe. $75 an hour might seem expensive. However, how much is your life worth? Or the life of your loved one?

Are there steps you can practice at home?
Yes. You can (with a clear- or empty- gun) practice drawing and dry firing. Place all ammunition and magazines in another room, minimize distractions, and concentrate on learning to draw safely from your chosen method of carry. Please train yourself to keep your finger OFF the trigger at all times. Dry fire and drawing practice provide you with an excellent opportunity to consider where and how you wish to carry, and learn the most effective position for you. Remember- knowledge is power and it weighs nothing.

Once you have attended a basic level course, and spent some time applying what you have learned on the range, then it is time for a defensive use course. 

Often times, there are well intentioned people in our lives who offer to help us learn. While their hearts may be true, learning from someone you have a relationship with can be incredibly difficult. The problem arises with communication. A certified firearms instructor learns more than about the firearms- we learn how to teach. When you have a relationship with someone, you tend to automatically expect the person with you to know what you are thinking, or to understand more than you are saying. That might be fine when you're discussing how to make the perfect grilled cheese, bacon and mater sandwich, but when it comes to something deadly, clear, crisp, concise communication is exceedingly important. 

To sum up today, find an instructor you are comfortable with. Practice your fundamentals. Invest a bit of time in truly learning a life saving skill set. 

I'll look forward to seeing you at the range!

Join us! Handgun Fundamentals is the first and third Saturday each month. Class begins at 8:00 sharp, please plan to arrive by 7:45 to sign in. We provide everything you need for this class- no need to bring anything but YOU!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

5 Tips That Can Save Your Life

This is Part Two in our series directed towards our Ladies. 

Whether or not you choose to carry a firearm, there are some basic principles that can ensure your safety. These are simple steps, outlined below, that you can implement today and make a huge difference in your life.


If you take a moment and do some people watching (which is exactly what potential aggressors do, to identify targets,) you might be shocked at what you observe. How many people out there wander around, completely absorbed in whatever little electronic gadget is in their hands? Too many. How many look up and observe what is going on around them? Hardly any of them. How many could offer information to law enforcement *if* a situation happens in front of them? Not many at all. 

Put. The. Gadgets. Down. This is Step One, a critical step. That phone call, text, email or selfie can wait. None of them are worth your life. Wait until you are in a safe setting to communicate. It wasn't all that long ago when people had no cell phones- we survived hours with out a bombardment of communication. I promise you- your survival does not depend on seeing what Susie thought of her Tuna Melt from Tuna Joe's Fish Shack. 

ACTION PLAN: Having a means of communication on you in case of an emergency is great. But it does not require constant attention. Check your gadgets later- I promise the messages will still be there.


The world around us is filled with moments of stunning beauty, that pass by in the blink of an eye. It runs on a 360* platform, in bold vivid colors, with sounds, scents and feelings of awe and excitement. It is best observed in Real D- not on a 2" x 2" screen. 

Now that you have put down the gadget d'jour, look around you. Look your fellow humans directly in the eye. You don't have to smile, grimace, growl, or pull a Momma Bear face to chase people away. But just.. look. Take note if something looks odd or out of place. By looking those around you directly in the eye, you are indicating you are not easy pickings, trying to hide amongst the masses. Be nice about it. Smile a bit if you so choose. But keep looking around.

ACTION PLAN: Challenge yourself the next time you're out. Try to identify several different people and take note of what they are wearing, how they walk, and if they are watching the crowd or being watched. What you see might shock you.


As you look around, take note of where exit points are and the best routes to get there. Are there stairs? Elevators? Escalators? Make it a game with your kids, and involve them in learning basic safety rules. You have to give kids credit- they are much more observant than you might suspect. Ask them for their ideas on how to get out of a building creatively- pretend they are Super Spies and see what they come up with. Prepare to be impressed- kids are insanely creative!

ACTION PLAN: See who can come up with the best alternative exit idea, should the main exit be blocked off. Walk through those plans and see if they work, and adjust accordingly. It's one thing to have an idea, and another to actually walk it through and learn how effective it is.


For thousands of years, people have relied on "gut instinct". How many times have you found yourself hesitating a moment and questioning if something felt right? Probably more than you realize. Ask yourself this one question now, and see if you can provide an answer.
- What does a criminal look like? 
**Remember! Everyone said Ted Bundy looked like a "normal guy". 

The answer is simple- you have no way of knowing what a criminal looks like. It can be a man or a woman, young or old, well dressed or in rags, living in a mansion, or in their car. You can not tell if someone is willing to commit a crime against you by looking at them- but often times, your gut will know, and it will send you a signal. A shiver down your spine, cramping in your abdomen, a feeling of uneasiness, something that makes you pause a moment. 

Listen to your gut. If it feels wrong, get out. There is no shame in avoiding a potential situation- you can always go back another time, another way, another day. You aren't going to offend anyone by changing your direction of travel, and if you do, too bad! Your life is worth more than someone being "offended". 

ACTION PLAN: While you are observing the crowd, listen to your inner voice as well. Compare what you are seeing with your eyes, to what your instinct is trying to tell you. Remember- We Hide With Pride. There is no shame in leaving if a situation feels wrong.


It's an easy trap to fall into- the daily grind. Get up at a set time, make the coffee, get the kids ready, shuffle off to work/ school/ activities, day in and day out. Travel the same routes all the time. Walk the dog the same time every night, going the same direction. You feel secure in the knowledge that your world is safe, nothing will happen to you- it's always "The Other Guy", or maybe your neighborhood is "safe". If you do set down your gadget, you still don't bother to look much past your own nose and observe your surroundings.

This is complacency.
Complacency Kills. 

If you set yourself up in a daily grind routine, you are predictable. Once you have established that predictability, it will be quite easy for the observant criminal element to take advantage of that fact, leaving you once again wide open as a target. (Notice I don't use the word victim here. You aren't a victim- you are a soft target.) 

ACTION PLAN: Make simple changes to your daily routine. Go a different way to work, go to a different grocery store, come home from a different direction, do things at different times. Change your path when walking the dog. Challenge the kids to come up with ideas for a min-adventure for your travel routes. Get them involved in observation and planning. They don't have to know it's in case of an emergency- you can keep it light and fun. 

These simple tips have the potential to save your life, and the lives of your loved ones. I hope you take the time to test them out, and adapt them to your situation. Should anyone ask, this is not paranoia. This is a small step in preparedness and being proactive for your safety.

Until next time, carry safe, shoot straight, and PUT DOWN THE GADGET D'JOUR! 


Want to learn more? Give us a call at 912-355-0205 to set up a training appointment, or stop in and see us!